Is 'Valuables' a Plural Noun?

"Valuables" is a plural noun. Some nouns, like "valuables", are typically used in the plural.

"Valuables" is a plural noun. Some nouns, like "valuables", are typically used in the plural.

Olivia hid her valuables because she didn't trust the maid.

While the word "valuable" (without "s") can be a noun, it is more commonly used as an adjective.

Her necklace is extremely valuable.

They have a valuable friendship.

Since plural nouns take a plural verb, we say "valuables are", not "valuables is". We also use a plural pronoun to replace it.

Where are your valuables? They are in the box.

Where is your valuables? It is in the box.

Follow the same strategy with these nouns:

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