Leftovers Are Or Leftovers Is. Which Is Correct?

It's "leftovers are". When using this term to talk about the food that has not been eaten at the end of a meal, we use a verb in the plural form.

It's "leftovers are". When using this term to talk about the food that has not been eaten at the end of a meal, we use a plural verb.

Are your leftovers safe to consume?

Is your leftovers safe to consume?

Follow the same practice with other verbs to say, for example, "leftovers have" (not "leftovers has").

Our leftovers have disappeared from the fridge.

Notice the use of plural pronouns and determiners with plural nouns.

Those leftovers are still okay. You can eat them for lunch.

Some words, like "leftovers", are most commonly used in the plural; however, the singular form (a leftover) can be used to refer to something that still remains, even though it's not relevant or useful anymore

The old chair was a leftover from the sixties.

"Leftover" and "left over" are also adjectives and have the same meaning. However, "leftover" can only be used before the noun it modifies.

Take your leftover batteries to be recycled safely.

That waste was left over from a previous party.

Follow the same practice of using "are" with other related words that are frequently used in the plural, like remains or ruins.

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