
A collection of 14 posts

'So that' vs. 'In order that'. What's the Difference?

"So that" and "in order that" have the same meaning and are used in the same way. They both are subordinating conjunctions that express purpose, and are always followed by a subject and a verb.

Is 'In order that' a Conjunction?

"In order that" is a subordinating conjunction. It links a dependent clause to an independent clause.

Is 'So that' a Conjunction?

"So that" is a subordinating conjunction. It introduces a dependent clause and joins it to a main clause.

Repeating the Subject After 'But'?

You don't need to repeat the subject after "but" if both parts of your sentence (clauses) have the same subject. Therefore, you can mention it again or omit it in the second clause.

Subject After 'Because'. Do I Have to Repeat It?

Because must be followed by a subject and a verb. Therefore, if the subject of both clauses is the same, we have to repeat the subject or the subject pronoun after "because".