'Intention-to-treat' or 'Intent-to-treat' Analysis?

In an intention-to-treat analysis, all participants in a clinical trial are analyzed according to the group to which they were initially assigned.

In medical terminology, the terms "intention" and "intent" are used in phrases such as "intention-to-treat analysis" and "intent-to-treat analysis".

Intention-to-treat analysis is the gold standard for randomized clinical trials.

Intent-to-treat analysis is a statistical method used in clinical trials

While both constructions can be used, "intention-to-treat analysis" is more common.

Relative frequency of the phrases intention-to-treat-analysis and intent-to-treat analysis
"Intention-to-treat analysis" vs. "intent-to-treat analysis" in books through time
Source: Google Books Ngram Viewer

In an intention-to-treat analysis, all participants in a clinical trial are analyzed according to the group to which they were initially assigned, regardless of whether they completed the treatment as planned or not.

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