Prepositions to Use After 'Intent'

We generally use the prepositions "on" or "upon" after the adjective "intent" to express purpose.

We generally use the prepositions "on" or "upon" after the adjective "intent" to express purpose:

Everyone was intent on listening.

Are you intent upon destroying her reputation?

"Intent on", however, is much more common than "intent upon".

Relative frequency of the phrases intent on and intent upon
"Intent on" vs. "Intent upon" in books through time
Source: Google Books Ngram Viewer

Olivia was intent on going to work even though she was sick.

On the other hand, we can use the preposition "to" when using "intent" as a noun in constructions like these:

It was not his intent to hurt anyone.

Note that you can replace "intent" by "intention" in the example above.

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