Can You Say Happy Anniversary When It's Someone's Birthday?

When it's someone's birthday, we don't say "happy anniversary". To express our birthday wishes in English, we just say "happy birthday".

When it's someone's birthday, we don't say "happy anniversary". To express our birthday wishes in English, we just say "happy birthday".

Happy birthday, Olivia!

It's your birthday. Happy anniversary!

What's the difference between "anniversary" and "birthday"? An anniversary is a date when you remember something special or significant that happened previously. It could be a wedding anniversary, a first date anniversary, the anniversary of when two people became friends, etc.

Happy Anniversary, you two!

Happy first-date anniversary to us!

However, we don't use this expression to refer to our birthday.

Happy birthday, James. I'm looking forward to your party on Sunday.

Similarly, we don't say "congratulations" when it's someone's birthday.

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