Is It an R or a R?

It’s an R. Since the pronunciation of the letter "R" begins with a vowel sound, we use the indefinite article "an".

It’s an R. Since the pronunciation of the letter "R" begins with a vowel sound, we use the indefinite article "an".

I’d like to buy a personalized notebook with an R on it.

I’d like to buy a personalized notebook with a R on it.

Remember, the choice between "a" and "an" is determined by pronunciation, not by spelling.

Starting with an R, the words refreshing, resilient, and radiant are meaningful and positive adjectives.

The first artificial satellite was launched on an R-7 rocket in 1957.

Other consonants that are pronounced with a vowel sound, and therefore take "an", are listed below:

Follow the same convention with other abbreviations and acronyms that begin with "R" and are pronounced as separate letters; for example, we say "an R&D" (Research & Development) as well as "an RGB" (Red Green Blue—color model).

An RGB file is a color bitmap image.

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