Is It a Unit or an Unit?

It’s a unit. The rule for using “a” or “an” is based on pronunciation, not spelling.

It’s a unit. The rule for using “a” or “an” is based on pronunciation, not spelling. Since the initial letter of the word unit makes a consonant sound, a “you” sound, it takes the indefinite article “a”.

A pound is a unit of weight.

A pound is an unit of weight.

More examples:

A unit is the amount of a drug that is needed to produce a specific effect.

The team works as a unit.

When using an adjective before “unit”, put “an” if the first letter of the following word makes a vowel sound; thus, we say “a unit” but “an air conditioning unit”.

A unit is just a single item; for example, it may be an air conditioning unit.

A partial list of words that begin with the vowel “u” but take the article “a”:

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