Is It a mL or an mL?

We typically pronounce the unit of fluid measure "mL" as a single word (milliliter); therefore, we use the article "a" and say a mL.

We typically pronounce the unit of fluid measure "mL" as a single word (milliliter); therefore, we use the article "a" and say a mL. Remember, we use "a" before words that begin with a consonant sound, like mL or milliliter.

A mL is a unit that represents the volume of a liquid.

Similarly, we say a mm (millimeter).

The bullet missed his head by a mm.

Remember, it's the pronunciation, not the spelling, which is important.

How much is a mL in teaspoons?

By contrast, the abbreviation ML (Machine Learning), when pronounced as individual letters, takes the article "an". Be aware that the letter "M" begins with a vowel sound, so we say an M (not a M).

The process of training an ML model involves providing an algorithm.

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